Home Education

This is a weekly session designed to cover all aspects of learning along with offering the chances to socialise, gain confidence and learn in a new environment. During these sessions we cover things like woodland management, use of tools, fire making, den building, campfire cooking plus lots of games and fun activities throughout. We run two groups alongside each other, our Acorns group is for children aged 5 to 11 years and then our Oaks group is for children aged 12 to 16 years.

For more information read the prospectus below!

These sessions run every Thursday from 9:30 until 12:30pm at Donisthorpe Primary School. Drop off and pick up are at the main school gates.

Cost – £17.00 per child.

Use our Bookwhen to book your place: https://bookwhen.com/littleacornsforestschools

Introducing Little Acorns Forest School prospectus


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